A few of my favourite podcasts. The rest that are listed, are those which have been recommended to me, but which I haven't yet listened to.
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Autistic Voices
Evalynn Charmer Dip. Hyp (Paediatrics)
UK Health Radio (Available internationally)
This is a brand new radio podcast by Evalynn Charmer. In the first one, Evalynn talks to lil' ol' AutisticNess. There are unfortunately some sound issues on this first one, but I'm sure Evalynn will be able to sort these out in future podcasts.
1800 Seconds on Autism
BBC Radio
This is one of my all time favourites.
Autistic hosts Robyn Steward and Jamie Knight discus many autistic topics and about thinking differently, all in a refreshingly open and honest way. Sometimes funny, sometimes sad, but always presented with humility. Each episode also interviews an autistic guest.
Two Sides of The Spectrum
Meg Proctor
I haven't listened to this one myself yet.
"A place where we explore research, amplify autistic voices, and change the way we think about autism in life and in professional therapy practice.
The Squarepeg Podcast
Amy Richards
"The Squarepeg podcast invites autistic women, trans and non-binary people, to explore navigating a neurotypical world and share their insights, challenges and successes."
Aims to be "inspiring and thought-provoking, opening you up to new ways of thinking about being neurodivergent, and help you feel more connected to a worldwide community of people with similar experiences."
This one is also on my must-listen-to-soon list...
Uniquely Human: The Podcast
By Dave
"Uniquely Human: the Podcast expands the conversation on autism and neurodiversity by amplifying the voices of autistic individuals...providing insightful, cutting-edge and practical information about the autistic experience. Hosted by Barry Prizant and Dave Finch."
Reframing Autism Australia
Amplified is the official podcast of Autistic-led not-for-profit organisation Reframing Autism, which is dedicated to creating a world in which the Autistic community is supported to achieve acceptance, inclusion and active citizenship. This podcast aims to amplify Autistic voices from a diverse range of backgrounds, with Australian and international Autistic advocates sharing their stories and perspectives from lived experience.